Friday, December 15, 2006

Update - 15/12/2006

Last Update for the year. I am truly looking forward to getting back from my vacation. To all of those following this blog, Merry Christmas and may your New Year Celebrations be a time of joy and great memories.

Thank you for following me on this journey.


Anthony Vieira Da Cruz

P.S. Here's the stats.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Update 01/12

Hi once again

Been a while since I placed an entry in the blog. It's not because my downline is not growing, it's because my work is increasing as the year is ending and I have no time to make entries lately.

It is for this reason that I have decided to place one entry in a week showing the weeks growth.

At the end of the day, that is what you want to see.

Here's the specs for today.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Update 24/11/06

Been a busy week. My marketing has been none existant.
Enjoy your weekend :)

Here's the latest Stats: -

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Update 20/11/06

A great weekend has just passed. I hope you all enjoyed it.

While I was away this weekend, my emails piled up so I won't say to much today. After all, the stats tell the story, not my opinion.

Here's your stats.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Update 17/11/06

The sweat beads were on my forehead. This was a first. No new members in the downline for 2 days running. Was it going to be 3 days?

I anxiously opened my email. I scanned through them always wondering if this was the end of a good thing.

I breathed a sigh of relief. There is still a pulse in my list. Our team brough another two members into the group and the site gets to live on.

Ok, that was fun but I was curious to see if we had more growth after the silence of the last 2 days.

I am leaving in about an hours time to do swhort term mission work so enjoy your weekend and I will be back on Monday.

Here's the stat's for the day.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Update 16/11/06

Since this is a Review of the site and you get to see on a daily basis how the site grows or doesn't, today I get to tell you that there has been no change in my stats since Tuesday.

For the first time since I started in DesktopLightning, there has been no growth for two days.

I will keep you posted here in the site. :)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Update 14/11/06

How do I measure the success of my blog?

I was sitting thinking about the question during the last week. The answer was simple, the blog is a success if I prevent people from joining a scam or it is a success if people join based on the facts.

Well, based on the facts, this last week, I can now say 4 people have become direct referrals to DesktopLightning List Builder based on what they saw on this blog.

The day I started this blog which was 09/10/06, I made a decission not to market DesktopLightning any where on the web except through the blog. I know alot of you may be thinking thats nut's but in order for me to do a true review on DesktopLightning, I felt it important that they only join if they were convinced it was good.

My list has grown nicely during the last month and almost doubled during the month but direct referrals were few. In one week, that has changed. :)

The facts have spoken it seems and I hope I can get to help the new referrals build their own lists in weeks to come.

Now for today's stats:

Join Today

Update 13/11/06

As of late, I haven't had much time reviewing DesktopLightning and today is the same. My day job takes up a lot of my time with Technical Drawings and 3D Models.

That said, the site is doing the job I intended and because of that, in the last week, 3 new Direct Referrals have been made. I do not market DesktopLightning any where else but in this blog.

To all those who belong to DesktopLightning or are considering actually joining, I would like to encourage you to be proactive especially when you first start with the site.

If you sit back and wait for the people to come in DesktopLightning, you are fooling yourself. There is no overflow from your sponsors full downline.

Enough said for today. :)

Here's your stats for Friday.

Here's your stats for today.

Join Today

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Update 09/11/06

It's been a month since this blog started.

The comments that have come from you and still come from you are all great. I have deleted a few since it was marketing that would take the attention away from the topic which is DeskTopLightning.

As time goes by, this sight seems to be evolving but as long as DesktopLighting remains the focus, I am happy.

A month ago when I started, I had 200 members in my downline. It's grown by little or no effort on my behalf. In just over a months time, I take my Christmas break and will have no access to a computer. It's encouraging to know that there are sites like DesktopLightning available as a tool.

Thank you also to all those who have encouraged me with the blog. I hope the site grows from strength to strength.

Here's the stat's for the day.

Join Today

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Update 08/11/06

Well, no time to chit chat today. Going to give the stat's straight away.

Just a reminder though. If you have a product and you want me to test the responsiveness with the downline, contact me in the next few hours. I send out my next message today.

Here's the stat's.

Join Today

Monday, November 06, 2006

Update 07/11/06

Quiet day at DesktopLightning yesterday. :)

Can't have everyday firing away.

If you enjoy this blog, I would like to encourage you to add it to your site or blog as a RSS feed. I have decided that anyone who links to my blog via rss, then emails me with their url at, I will place an advert for them on my other blog thats links to this blog or incorporate their rss on my other blog. This will give you extra advertising as I market my various blogs.

I send my message out to the downline tomorow. If you have a product you would like to market, contact me and we might be able to work out an agreement that suits us both. This is a great way of testing the site. Send me your info today via and we may just have a mini JV.

That's it for today.

Here's the stat's.

Join Today

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Update 06/11/06

Time for another review.

Since I never have access to the web during weekends, Monday morning it is always a pleasant surprise to see the growth here at DesktopLightning. This morning was no different.

Last week I mentioned I sent out a message to the group. For the first time in weeks, I only recieved two new referrals to some of the sites I marketed. One of them being a safelist that up until now has reached good results. The other was to a Community site in prelaunch. I have recieved a great responce from my downline in the past few weeks.

Next message goes out on Wednesday.

Here's the stats for today: -

Join Today

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Update - 02/11/06

Hi All

I would like to thank the two people who left comments on the blog yesterday. I cannot argue with or say what they said any better.

I mentioned yesterday that I sent out a message to my downline. It's a little premature at present due to time zones etc. to make a comment. I have however already had a number of new referrals from the message.

I will give a indepth responce to you on Monday :).

Back to my 3D Models.

Here's the stat's for the day.

Join Today

P.S. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Update 1/11/06

A new month and the year is just about complete. :)

Another busy day at the office so this will be short and sweet again. I sent out another message about 20 minutes ago to my downline so you should get some info on how responsive they were tomorrow.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave your questions in the comments area. I will be happy to try help you.

Here's the stats for the day: -

Join Today

Monday, October 30, 2006

Update - 31/10/06

Due to a busy day and a 3D model I have to build for work... today is short and sweet.

Here's the stats for the day.

Join Today

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Update - 30/10/06

Hi again.

I hope all of you that are following this blog had a great weekend. I know I did, my sun burnt body testifies to that.

Don't have much to say today so here's the latest stats.

Join today :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Update - 27/10/06

Amongst the comments I have recieved, I came across the question "How do I market the site? I am new to all this." (Paraphrasing)

Since my focus in the blog is DesktopLightning and whether it's a scam or the real deal, I don't want to bring in other sites to water down the true reason for me setting up the blog.

That said, I have decided to place all sites that I market through DesktopLightning on the right hand side of the blog. Not done yet. To answer the question above, I will place the various tools I am using also on the right hand side under "My bag of Magic".

Should you need some help, contact me at Please, NO SPAMMING!!! All unsolicitated emails will be deleted and your email address will be marked as spam.

Here's todays Stats.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Update - 26/10/06

Hi Everyone

Due to circumstances, I have been forced to stay away from my marketing for long periods of time lately. Hence the reason why my direct referrals are growing so slowly. I am however so pleased with the site.

On a daily basis, I get to see growth whether it is by one person or by 10 people. In a business that relies +/- 90% of the time on your list, I can know without a shadow of doubt that everytime I switch off my computer and walk away, my downline is still growing.

Two days ago, I was asked a question in my comments section. Here's the comment.

dean said...
Hi I joined desktoplighning when it fist came in however, I do not have funds to upgrade until i start earning I have recommended people to the site but - where do you find how many and any other info sorry i am green and an old fart I think i signed up to yours too but it dissapeared on me now i dont know how to get it back I like the fact that it comes up and shows you the messages when i work out how to do stuff i am sure it will be as easy as the initial signup can u also tell me what are enzines and what do you do with them???Have a good day


Let's see if I can answer your question. Dean, when you started with the site, you had to download software. The software is housed in your tray on the task bar. When ever you see the pop up notifying you of messages, it means the software is active. The icon is a Lightning Bolt. Double click it and the window I have been showing to you over the last few weeks will pop up.

Go to statistics to see how many people are in your downline. To market, use the tab "Build Your Network" where you will find various tools and banners to help you market. Your messages you referred to is usually in the "Inbox" and by default, it's the window that opens first.

If you cannot find the lightning bolt in your task bar, go to "Start" and then "All Programs". You should find your DesktopLighting folder and software there.

If not, go to the following site and let them know what the problem is. The help desk is at

What are e-zines. Ezines are electronic newsletters in a nutshell. Once you have built up a list of people usually by means of autoresponders, you can share your marketing ideas, tools, give aways and more with them. As soon as you have a large enough "Subscriber" base, you can even sell advertising slots in your e-zine and make some pocket money. :)

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Update - 25/10/06

Hi once again.

Was a quiet day at the office yesterday. Only 3 new referrals. : )

Here's the stats: -

Join Now

I would also like to thank my friend Linda who has helped in a major way to build my downline. Your comments are always welcome here my friend.

I have to run off now but will be back tomorrow. I will deal with one of the question I recieved in the comments.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Update - 24/10/06

Good Day

Just popping in today. Time for some marketing so today it's short and sweet.

Here's your stats for the day.

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Update - 23/10/06

Hi All

Due to circumstances out of my control, I could not get online on Friday. Weekend I just don't have access to the net so you will always find the weekends missing here.

Regardless of not being online, I have shot above the 300 members mark with my downline.

Here's the latest stats: -

Join Now

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Update - 19/10/06

Hi All

I am pleased to see the blog is starting to do what I set out to do. I wanted to either help people make a decission to join the site because it is great or avoid it because it was a scam.

One of the marketing programs I make use of to market this site produced the following reviews of the site. To protect the privacy of the people making the comments, I will leave their names off.

The reviews are: -

Comments: impressed with your blog findings re desktoplightning thanks. now i'll install the sucker just wasn't sure about it.

Comments: An excellent site dedicated to the Desktop Lightning Host. I personally signed up to the programme after checking out your reviews. Keep up the nice work..


Comments: Nice blog..always good to see when something is realy workinhg... i too use desktop.. only 16 so far but thats ok is truly viral so should see it really zoom in the next fe weeks.


I would like to encourage you to place comments on this site as you to make influence someone either in a positive way or in a negative way.

Here's the stats for the day.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Review - 18/10/06

Hi All

Definately an interesting day yesterday.

In order for me to make this review worth anything, I need to show good and bad :)

Yesterday I had on new referral the whole day. First time. :)

What also made it interesting is to check how responsive the team is. A few of the post are from my team. I asked them to make a comment in order to see how responsive the group actually is.

I also marketed a site yesterday and got 8 referrals. I am still waiting to see if any more will join due to the different time zones etc.

So far I am satisfied with the results.

Here's the stats for today.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Update - 17/10/06

Day 7 of the review

I am pleased to see you are now posting your comments on the blog. I would like to encourage you to do it more often. When I comment, it is hype... simply because I want new people to join, when you add your comment, it becomes legit.

I have to ask though that you do not add your adverts for your site here as it takes the focus off of DesktopLightning and I will be forced to delete your comment as I moderate each comment.

You may however place your DesktopLightning link in the comment. You will then stand a good chance of getting new referrals from my marketing.

I received a comment yesterday that people are battling to read the stats, if you experience this as well, please let me know. I am trying to sort that out. Your help is appreciated.

That said... here's the stats for today: -

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Update - 16/10/06

Well... Been away for the weekend.

Obviously no time to market over the weekend. So... what happened to my account over the weekend. Let's take a look...

Here's the stats: -

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Update - 13/10/06

It's been a week since DesktopLightning went public. How has that affected my growth.

Last week Friday, I had a downline of 155 members. It took me twoweeks to make the 155 members. A week later, I have 249 members., 6 short of 100 members growth. I have to honest, I haven't really worked to hard on marketing DesktopLightning.

as of next week, I am going to start advertising my various products and we can get an idea of how responsive the list is :)

Here's the stats for the day.

P.S. Next Review will be on Monday again.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Update 12/10/06

Hi friends.

Constant growth. What program do you have that creates a downline like this hands free. You need your initual hard work which could take a few hours but as soon as you have referrals, you have a marketing virus thats almost unstoppable.

DesktopLightning are constantly adding to it. Newest "Bonus" is for Platinum members. Join as Platinum members and you get an additional group of members that you can market to outside of your personal referrals and downline. I wish I could upgrade, just a bit pricey for me thanks to Currency Exchange rates. :)

Enough chat.

Here's the stats for today.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Update - 11/10

Day three of this blog.

What have I done personally to market this site.

  • Create this blog in the mornings... 15minutes.

  • Setup a few marketing tools 45minutes.

(Will share some of my tools I use in time to come)

Nothing else.

Whats happening in the site?

The stats speak for themselves. There is no doubt as to whether this site is viral or not.

P.S. I welcome any member of DesktopLightning to make comments about their experiences here. It makes the review a little less biased.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Update - 10/10/06

Instead of wasting your time with a lot of information this morning, here's today's stats.

The facts will tell a better story. ;-) - Fact or Fable

There has been so much hype about the new ListBuilder DesktopLightning.

I know there's the following questions floating about.

* Just how good is it?
* How responsive is the members of one's downline?
* Is it easy to start it off?

I decided to place my own downline to test to answer these questions. From today onwards, I will post my statistics on this blog to give you the opportunity to decide.

I am also going to send opportunities to my downline to test how responsive they are. You will get that information to so in total, you will get enough information to decide for yourself how great the site it.

Members of DesktopLighting may leave their comments as well. All comments are welcome. Good or bad, but please justify your answer if bad. It will further aid those deciding to join.

On Friday, I had 155 members in my downline.

Today, my statistics will follow: -

Click on the Stats pic to clearly see the information. Come back tomorrow to see how it has progressed.

I hope this blog will be of interest to you in time to come :)

If you are convinced...

Join Now