Monday, October 16, 2006

Update - 17/10/06

Day 7 of the review

I am pleased to see you are now posting your comments on the blog. I would like to encourage you to do it more often. When I comment, it is hype... simply because I want new people to join, when you add your comment, it becomes legit.

I have to ask though that you do not add your adverts for your site here as it takes the focus off of DesktopLightning and I will be forced to delete your comment as I moderate each comment.

You may however place your DesktopLightning link in the comment. You will then stand a good chance of getting new referrals from my marketing.

I received a comment yesterday that people are battling to read the stats, if you experience this as well, please let me know. I am trying to sort that out. Your help is appreciated.

That said... here's the stats for today: -

Join Now


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work... Nice to know that we have great uplines!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anthony. I'm in your DTL group, and WOW!! Is all I can say about your progress in building your DTL downline.

I hope you will pass on some of your marketing strategies to me via the DTL messages as I need
all the help I can get to build my DTL group!! I've got 1 now, but still many more to go....

Anonymous said...

Hi Every One I am in Anthonys downline in fact I am most of his downline I have 234 and Anthony has 311 here is my link

For the members who are going too join us